The SBI PO Mains 2021 exam will be conducted on January 2, 2022. This is a highly-competitive exam but we know you have it in you because you managed to clear the Prelims successfully. We hope you continue your preparation with the same fervour and ace this exam as well.
As the SBI PO Mains exam date is around the corner, we have prepared a short check-list for you. You can use these tips to prepare for your exam in these last few days.
SBI PO Mains 2021: Some Useful Tips
• We hope by now you have covered the SBI PO Mains syllabus in its entirety.
• Now, focus simply on revision.
• Also, if you are a working aspirant, it might be a good idea to make this exam your single-minded priority for now.
• It is now time to read up on those notes you have been maintaining all through.
English/Descriptive English
• Read the newspaper daily to enhance your knowledge and augment your English skills.
• Practice for Descriptive English by writing one letter and one essay every day.
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude
• Practice Puzzle + Seating Arrangement questions daily.
• Computer Aptitude is a very scoring section. We hope you have been preparing duly for it.
Data Analysis & Interpretation
• Practice DI and Data Sufficiency problems daily for 45 minutes.
General/Banking Awareness
• Keep reading BeePedia for General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness news.
• We cannot emphasize enough the importance of taking mock tests as you prepare for an exam. Particularly, when the job is as lucrative as this, we sincerely believe you should not go easy on this key component for your preparation.
• Take at least one SBI PO Mains mock test every day. Trust us, you’ll be thanking us later.
• It will give you a feel of the real exam and drive away any nervousness that you may harbour. Moreover, it will give you an accurate idea of how you are faring.
• Watch preparation videos on ixamBee’s YouTube channel. We have attached a couple for your reference.
SBI PO Mains 2021: Exam Day Preparation
• Download your SBI PO Mains admit card as well if you have not already done so.
• Do not over-exhaust yourself. You must come to the exam hall with a well-rested mind and body.
• Be confident about your hard work. Go to the exam centre with a positive mindset.
• Maintain all COVID-safety norms.
We hope you continue with your diligent preparation and power through these last few days. You can take a well-deserved break after January 2, 2022.
For any other assistance or query, please get in touch with us.
All the best.
Team ixamBee.