You will find many suppliers of electronic components who will sell them in small quantities. Suppliers of new components, or in a few cases "new and some used" components, include Digi-Key (having blue LEDs, prices reasonable), Mouser Electronics (Fast service, $20 minimum, $5 charge under $20, export orders $100 minimum), Ocean State Electronics (good collection of RF parts, especially air variables and B&W coils), Radiokit (lots of components), Circuit Specialists Inc ( no minimum with check or money order, or else $15, good RF collection), Active Electronics (many stores across the US and Canada, $25 minimum), Maplin Electronics Ltd. (UK), Newark Electronics ($25 minimum, prices on the higher side but have a lot of things that are hard to find elsewhere), Arrow Electronics, Inc. (minimum $25, accepts personal order also), MCM Electronics (minimum $20, mostly VCR parts and lots of useful stuff difficult to find elsewhere), and Fordham Radio Supply (tools for technicians).
Other companies include Jameco (computer parts and electronic components), JDR Microdevices (now no minimum order), Johnson Shop Products (new and some used electronic components), DC Electronics (good collection of ICs and electronic components), International Components Corporation (capacitors, diodes, ICs, potentiometers, resistors, sockets; transistors), Kelvin Electronics (minimum $20, lots of electronic parts and tools), H & R Company (Herbach and Rademan) (minimum $25), John Birkitt (good stocks of new components and tools), N R Bardwell (cheap, good stocks of ICs), Surplus Electronics ( resistors, capacitors, and some semiconductors),
All Electronics Corp. (minimum $10, new and surplus electronics), Alltronics (surplus electronics, $12 minimum), American Science and Surplus (formerly JerryCo),
Hosfelt Electronics (surplus electronics), and Marlin P. Jones & Assoc.(surplus electronics).
For specialty components, JAN Crystals, Crystek Corporation, International Crystal Manufacturing Co., Inc., Amidon Associates, Palomar Engineers, RF PARTS can be contacted.
You can also consult wholesale directories to find details about suppliers of electronic components, compare prices and features, and finally make your choice.