Juanshaw · Newsroom

Pain-Free Injections from Aesthetic Smiles' The Wand
Aesthetic Smiles, a dental practice in Leicester, England offers pain-free injections through The Wand, a digital dental system.

May 3, 2016

Immediate Implants and Teeth in a Day Solutions from Aesthetic Smiles
Aesthetic Smiles offers teeth in a day and immediate implants that provide patients with replacement teeth for healthy dental function. They use cutting-edge technology to create natural-looking teeth replacements.

February 23, 2016

Immediate Dental Security with Aesthetic Smile
Aesthetic Smiles’ ‘Teeth in a Day’ treatment uses cutting-edge technology to replace missing teeth in a matter of hours. The practice speeds up the process of dental implantation to provide natural-looking teeth to its patients fast.

January 25, 2016