What is Neverwinter Mod 16 release date?
New module Neverwinter Mod 16 is confirmed to release this spring. Although the exact release date has not been announced, we could speculate according to the announce date and release date of previous modules:
Module Announce date Release date
The Heart of Fire 2018-08-30 2018-11-06
Ravenloft 2018-05-10 2018-06-26
Lost City of Omu 2018-01-11 2018-02-27
Tomb of Annihilation 2017-06-02 2017-07-25
As Mod 16 was announced on February 19, it can be speculated that Neverwinter Mod 16 release date may be set in mid April 2019.
What can you enjoy in Neverwinter Mod 16?
Here is what you can expect in Mar this year of neverwinter astral diamonds(2019):
Enjoy Neverwinter Undermountain more after maintenance
The arrival time of the two Neverwinter server maintenance can be said as perfect. Since the Undermountain expansion will be released soon, which will bring?a lot of changes in in-game mechanics and stats(like opposing rolls, addition of Hit Points). Lately, the team has also announced a series of likely updates to the boon. All the new things, as well as game adjustment then will need a more stable environment. Therefore, we can see the two mainteneance as?foundation to the updates, an assureance to a better in-game experience in Undermountain.
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