Lily-white snow is the symbol of winter. It is so beautiful when snowflakes are falling in the sky. Generally speaking, the next day of snowfall is always sunny day and is also the best time to enjoy snow-covered landscape. Under sunshine, the snow is much more sparkling and crystal. At the same time, the road surface will be much slippery, because accumulated snow has become ice. Snow melting absorbs a large quantity of heat, which greatly lowers down the outdoor temperature. As the result, many people prefer to stay at home and miss the beautiful snow outside. However, since Airwheel S5 SUV electric scooter came into being, it thoroughly changes people’s state in snowy days.
The main reason why Airwheel S5 SUV electric scooter is able to weave on iced road freely is because it adopts two 16-inch tyres. The tyres are much wider and thicker, which paves the way for bigger contact surface and thus stronger road holding capacity. Meanwhile, the tyres have exclusively-designed tread pattern, which ensures excellent skid resistance and abradability. Therefore, it is completely safe when riding Airwheel S5 self-balancing scooter on iced roads. Then, people can enjoy the gorgeous snow at ease.
Nevertheless, it is still freezing outside. Don’t worry! You can wear as thick clothes, gloves, scarf and hat as you can. After all, the maximum load capacity of Airwheel S5 self-balancing electric scooter is 120kg. What is more, no matter how heavy you wear, it doesn’t affect normal riding at all. It is because all controls, including moving forward, speeding up, slowing down and changing direction, can be easily finished by altering body gravity. Take acceleration for example. Riders slightly leaning forward will speed up scooter with ease. All in all, if people choose Airwheel S5 electric scooter to enjoy charming snow-covered landscape, they will find that winter is more pretty than imagining.
For Media Contact:
Contact Person: Eric
Company: Airwheel Technology Holding (USA) Co., Ltd
Phone: +8618861270200
[email protected]