I will offer my sympathies if you are one of the unfortunate gamers who's system has been struck by the terrible Yellow Light of death, You've been raking up high scores in your favorite game all night and when you tried to continue your streak in the morning you were met with a few beeps and the green light becomes a disheartening yellow.If you warranty period is over, you'll want to open up the console and make sure that the hard drive isn't loose. Don't try this step unless you are sure that your warranty period is over or you can expect to pay $150 for Sony to fix it. This article will go over a few tips that can get your PS3 working again if the real issue isn't a complete hardware meltdown.
While on 0. Read the PS3 Fix Guide Review for more. If the prospect of waiting 6 weeks doesn't sit well for you there are an abundance of guides available on the internet that will provide detailed step by step instructions on how you can fix your PS3 on your own.If your warranty is still good then contact Sony and schedule to ship your PS3 to them and let them fix it. I will offer my sympathies if you are one of the unfortunate gamers who's system has been struck by the terrible Yellow Light of death, You've been raking up high scores in your favorite game all night and when you tried to continue your streak in the morning you were met with a few beeps and the green light becomes a disheartening yellow.I hope this article helps and if you need more information just type in "Fix PS3 Yellow Light" in your search engines. I typed in "fix ps3 yellow light" into search engines and I was amazed by the amount of results I was able to find. Or read our Fix PS3 Yellow Light Guide Review for more..
If you can follow directions and have the tools this option looks a lot better than sending it to Sony... China led three-anti lamp Once you decide to take that step and open the PS3 however, it voids any warranties that you have on the system.. One problem with using this option is that you're going to have to wait 6 weeks to get your system back, which may be a terrible experience for a die hard gamer.The next option, again, is only on PS3s where the warranty is already dead.. This really sucks for gamers to see, especially those that play their PS3s a lot.The very first thing you want to do is make sure that all of the cables are plugged in properly.2% of the PS3s have this problem, that equals up to thousands of consoles