The Hughes Law office features one of the few divorce attorneys in the Atlanta Georgia area to offer free consultation for your uncontested divorce or your online divorce in Georgia.
The consultation we offer is of the ongoing variety. Instead of just spending an hour explaining what a divorce is and how our firm is best suited to represent you, in our free consultations we answer any questions you may have, and explain the procedure and cost of our Atlanta area uncontested divorce and online divorce. We then send you what we call a preliminary settlement agreement, which is in part and intake form with him biographical information we need, and a many settlement agreement in which you will tell us how you intend to divide marital property and deal with custody and visitation issues in cases with children.
Online divorces in Georgia
An uncontested divorce in Georgia and an online divorce in Georgia are essentially the same thing. The main feature is that in person meetings and appearances in court have been done away with. This was a developments that was in the works even before the pandemic hit. The pandemic simply accelerated the process so that attorneys, judges and court staff are now all able to operate remotely online.
From the standpoint of this uncontested divorce attorney the move online, doing away with court appearances, has streamlined the process and eliminated the problems inherent in corralling clients to come to court for a pro forma final hearing. We miss meeting clients and the formalities of court proceedings, but the results are just as professional and the divorce itself is less of an ordeal.
For a free consultation for an uncontested divorce or a no contest divorce contact the Hughes Law Office at and fill out the brief intake form. We will quickly send you a free preliminary settlement agreement that will walk you through all the information needed by the attorney to produce a professional settlement agreement.