The well-known London Therapy Foundation which is based in Richmond, London, offers different services to clients from all backgrounds that need the assistance of a qualified therapist.
The Foundation comprises a group of well-qualified, experienced therapists that can assist patients with various issues of an emotional, spiritual or psychological nature. Even though these therapists all are members of the Foundation they act and operate independently from their colleagues and all of them make their own appointments.
However, they are all driven by their passion to assist people in distress and need; therefore they share a common goal which is to try their best to ensure that their assistance will help their patients in their quest to become happier, more fulfilled individuals once more.
The rooms at the Foundation’s premises offer a quiet, peaceful atmosphere and therapist and client are therefore in an ideal position to tackle the issues that the client needs help with. One of the services that numerous clients approach them for concerns couples counselling.
The Foundation’s Director, Tony Novissimo is often interviewed about the Foundations services. During one of these he said recently, “At the Foundation we offer many services and different therapies for patients that find they can no longer go on without help. We can assist.
“One of the services we offer, for example, concerns couples counselling in Teddington and other surrounding areas. This is often the ideal solution for those couples that are struggling with relationship issues, and many actually report that they are very grateful for the help from our counsellors. Please have a look at our website to see how you, too, can benefit from our services.”
The London Therapy Foundation makes it possible for all clients to benefit from the support and help of well-qualified, experienced therapists that are able to assist them with relationship – but also many other – issues. They offer competitive rates, and also special deals to those who are in a less favourable financial position. Talk to the Foundation to see how they can assist in this regard.
Therapists are very understanding of individual circumstances and needs and will therefore always have discussions about clients’ hopes and aspirations before any therapy commences.
Very often the best outcomes are achieved through teamwork. The Foundation emphasises that different clients have different needs. They know this and take this into account when bookings are made.
At London Therapy Foundation it is our express aim to provide a service to those in need of assistance with regard to all mental, emotional and spiritual distress. We always do our best to provide help as quickly as possible and at the most reasonable prices, in order to accommodate as many clients as we can. We see ourselves as a community offering a valuable service, and we also provide an environment for practising therapists, both online and at our premises in Richmond TW9 4QR to meet their clients and to interact with colleagues who share the same interests. For more about us and our services, please visit