Few things make a guy look less cool than being caught by a potential partner while he’s giving his equipment a big scratch. No matter how hard he tries to ignore it, an itchy male organ will insist on being tended to. And, of course, no matter how long he avoids giving himself a quick scratch for some relief, it’s inevitable that the exact moment his hand sneaks downward for a scratch is the exact moment that sensual woman he’s been dying to talk with all night will turn and finally see him. An itchy male organ can be cause for concern about member health, of course, but often the answer is simply skin irritation. And one of the best solutions for everyday itchiness is sufficient hydration – yet too many men don’t keep their skin hydrated as they should.
Simply put, hydration is making sure the body gets sufficient fluids to stay healthy. Everyone knows that water is important, but few realize just how important it is. Up to 60% of a person’s weight comes from water. The skin contains about 64% water, but other parts of the body have even higher percentages. The brain and the heart are each about 73%, and the muscles and the kidneys are each about 79%. And the lungs are a whopping 93% water. Basically, every cell, every tissue and every organ is dependent upon water in order to function properly.
Without water, the brain can’t properly make hormones and neurotransmitters, the cells of the body can’t grow and reproduce, the waste in the body can’t get flushed out, and food can’t get digested so that energy can be released for use throughout the body.
If skin cells lack water, the skin gets tight, dry and flaky. It loses its resilience and becomes wrinkled. All of this happening in male organ skin leads to extreme itchiness – and also makes the manhood look way less than its best.
Getting hydrated
So how does a guy stay hydrated? The easy answer is to drink plenty of water. It’s commonly said that adults need to drink 6-8 glasses of water (a glass being assumed to hold 8 ounces) every day. This is a good general guide, but it’s only a starting point. Every person is different, and some people need more and some people need less. For example, a guy who is very athletically inclined (and therefore likely to sweat away water) will need more than a couch potato.
Drinking water is the best way to get the fluids necessary, but hydration also can come from other sources, such as fruit or vegetable juices. In addition, many foods contain water, which helps; watermelon, for example, is very rich in water.
Interestingly, showers can be either helpful or harmful in keeping skin moisturized. If a guy showers for too long or uses water that is too hot, he may actually deplete some of the natural oils his body produces; those oils are essential for good hydration. This can also happen if he uses soaps and shampoos that are too harsh.
A guy can help keep an itchy male organ due to lack of hydration at bay by daily applying a first class member health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) directly to his manhood. Not just any male organ crème will do; it needs to have a combination of both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrating agent (such as vitamin E). These two ingredients work together to form a “moisture lock” which helps keep vital fluids in and on the skin, where they do the most good. It also helps if the crème contains alpha lipoic acid. This is a potent antioxidant that fights excess free radicals. Left unchecked, these free radicals can cause oxidative stress, which weakens the skin, leaving it vulnerable to itching and rashing.
Visit http://www.menshealthfirst.com for additional information on most common manhood health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.