MRRS adds "Global Red Brass Market Professional Survey Report 2017"latest studies, published in February 2017. It is a professional and in-depth study.
This report studies Red Brass in Global market, especially in North America, China, Europe, Southeast Asia, Japan and India, with production, revenue, consumption, import and export in these regions, from 2011 to 2015, and forecast to 2021.
This report focuses on top manufacturers in global market, with production, price, revenue and market share for each manufacturer, covering
1.Mueller Metals
2.Jinan Meide Casting
4.Duluth Brass Manufacturing
5.Jay Jalaram Extrusions
6.Canadian Specialty Castings Inc.
7.Leeku Industrial
By types, the market can be split into
1.Containing 5% zinc
2.Containing 10% zinc
3.Containing 15% zinc
4.Containing 20% zinc
By Regions, this report covers (we can add the regions/countries as you want)
1.North America
4.Southeast Asia
Figure And Tables
1. Table Product Specifications of Red Brass
2. Table Classification of Red Brass
3. Figure Containing 5% zinc Picture
4. Table Major Manufacturers of Containing 5% zinc
5. Figure Containing 10% zinc Picture
6. Table Major Manufacturers of Containing 10% zinc
7. Figure Containing 15% zinc Picture
8. Table Major Manufacturers of Containing 15% zinc
9. Figure Containing 20% zinc Picture
10. Table Major Manufacturers of Containing 20% zinc
11. Table Applications of Red Brass
12. Figure Global Consumption Volume Market Share of Red Brass by Application in 2015
13. Figure The high degree of finish product of matrix need gold plating Examples
14. Table Major Consumers of The high degree of finish product of matrix need gold plating
15. Figure Craft production Examples
16. Table Major Consumers of Craft production
17. Figure Chemical industry production Examples
18. Table Major Consumers of Chemical industry production
19. Figure Other Examples
20. Table Major Consumers of Other
21. Figure Market Share of Red Brass by Regions
22. Figure North America Red Brass Market Size (2011-2021)
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