Because it uses all of the creativity skills, including imagination, association and flexibility, the Mind Map is well-suited for innovative thinking. Psychological research has found that creativity is based on the use of colour, shapes, dimensions, and the adjustment of concepts to emotional objects.
Mind Mapping principles are a peripheral manifestation of all these categorises. It is a peripheral manifestation of the entire thinking process. Mind Map is the best tool to help you think these kinds of thoughts because of its almost identical nature in creative thinking and mnemonic principles.
Individual Mind Mappers can create twice the number of innovative ideas when they use the Mind Mapping creative thinking technique correctly. Tony Buzan, the father of Mind Mapping, states that there are five stages to creative thinking.
1) Quick-Fire Mind Maps Burst-
Start by creating a central image that best represents your general topic. Place your image in the middle of a large blank paper. From it, you should radiate all ideas related to that topic. Allow the ideas to flow for about 20 minutes. You can free your brain from old thinking patterns and encourage new ideas by working at speed. Although many of these ideas might seem ridiculous at first, they can often lead to new perspectives and breaking old patterns.
2) Reconstruction and Revision:
Take a break to allow your brain to rest. Then, you can start to integrate all the ideas that have been generated. Next, create a new Mind Map. This will allow you to identify the main branches, categorize, build up hierarchies, and find new associations between your initial ideas. You may notice that the same or similar concepts appear in different parts of your Mind Map. These are not to be considered redundant repetitions. They are fundamentally different in the way they are attached. These repetitions are not to be dismissed as unnecessary. They reflect the importance of ideas that are deep within your knowledge, but have an impact on every aspect of your thinking. The Mind Map follows your brain's flow and explores your current thoughts in this new centre. This new centre will be replaced by a more advanced and innovative concept in due time. The Mind Map supports and encourages intellectual exploration and growth.
3) Incubation
Sometimes, sudden creative realizations occur when the brain is calm. sleeping, day dreaming, running etc. This is because these states of mind allow Radiant thinking to spread to the Para brain's farthest reaches, increasing the likelihood of mental breakthroughs. For more info visit
4) Second Reconstruction, revision-
Incubation will give your brain a new perception of your first and second Mind Maps. It will also make it easier to perform another Mind Map burst. This reconstruction stage will require you to take into account all of the information that was gathered in stages 1 through 3.
5) The Final Stage
Now you need to find the solution, decision or realization that was your original creative goal. This can often involve linking elements from your Mind Map to gain new insights and breakthroughs.
Mind Mapping has become easier with the introduction of Commuter-based Mind Mapping over the past couple of years. Mind Mapping software like Tony Buzan's iMindMap uses the real principles of Mind Mapping to duplicate the brain's non-linear thinking process, resulting in a surge of creativity, innovation, and knowledge sharing. Computer-based Mind Mapping can be as effective as traditional Mind Mapping, if not better!
Benefits of the Summery of Creative Thinking Mind Map:
They use all of their creative thinking abilities automatically.
o Mind Mappers generate increasing amounts of mental energy as they move towards their goal.
o They enable the Mind Mapper view many elements simultaneously, increasing the likelihood of creative association and integration.
They allow people to use their brains to find ideas that are normally hidden at the edges of their thinking.
They can increase your chances of coming up with new ideas.
They encourage creativity, playfulness, humor and innovation.
o Try Mind Mapping software like Tony Buzan's iMindMap to enhance your creativity.