OK Charms is an online men and women jewelry store and accessory center working on a global scale. It is basically a drop shipping company located in China along the border of Hong Kong, the area specifically is Guangzhou / Canton in China. The store was found in the year 2001 and supplies fashion accessories and both men and women jewelry items globally via shipping directly from China. The fact that OK charms gets cheap items to sell is that they have got business ties made for a very long term with Chinese producers of these items.
Buying one item or a thousand, buyers get the most affordable rates for them and everything that is sold on this store comes from China. The main thing that the website claims as its feature is the ease of shopping with them. OK charms claims that they only have items of brands and of top notch quality with nothing second to best. No refurbished or restored or used fashion items are sold here. OK charms claims that their floating charms wholesale prices are as low as one can possibly get from a Chinese seller but the quality is matched with the Western standards.
There are other companies of the like operating online but they lack one huge thing that OK charms has and that is the availability of a physical warehouse. The warehouse is where items to be shipped are safe kept and then shipped from. For buyers who are looking for wholesale floating charms online can search them on the website whereas those buyers who are not can visit the warehouse to find all the stock of floating charms in one place rather than roaming around throughout china looking for them.
The store does not cater only for bulk buyers but also for single item buyers. Order based deals are also made, a buyer can ask them to have wholesale living lockets sent to their doorstep and OK charms will do that straight away. The services are quick and safe with coverage of shipment and delivery across the globe. OK charms do not mention the name of store on the shipment parcel so that the person receiving may not know where it is from for two reasons. One is that if it is a gift, then it simply looks awkward, second is that the receiving person might be the customer of the order placer and hence should not know the name of the store.
About Us:
OK Charms in a Chinese based online store for the purchase of jewelry items for both men and women. They ship rapidly across the globe and with great safety. Their prices are unmatched as they have business ties with item producers in China. They are also drop shippers which mean that people can ask them to drop the item off on their client’s door step. They are also high on quality and match western standards despite of the fact that they are quiet low on price.
Contact info:
Contact person: Mr. King
Company: OK Charms Fashion Co. Ltd
Address: 1618# Aoyuan Plaza, Guangzhou, 511400 China
Phone: 1 342 2174576
[email protected]
Website: http://ok-charm-shop.com