Then high degree skilling should be buffed to be as rewarding as high degree bossing, rather than to possess some bosses that drop such worthless garbage that you shed millions of gp farming them unless you hit the jackpot. Having RuneScape players rely upon miniscule opportunities to get any reward whatsoever from playing your sport is a fast path to your RuneScape players getting burned out and quitting.The answer is not to have high degree bossing be bothersome and offer you nothing unless you are exceptionally lucky.
If each aspect of finish game PvM was similar to that, you would not be reading this remark from me because I would not be playing RuneScape anymore, and that I wouldn't be the only one exiting. Vorkath, raids, and Demonic Gorillas are still there for me. Each of those has big jackpot items that are SUPER satisfying to have, but if I don't get them at least I made a bit of money whilst farming themand there is nothing wrong with that.
People have residual hatred of RS3 where god forbid, you profit on many kills. Vorkath and granted pre-nerf profit snake are kinda unreasonable, but I wish to get a gain even. Guardians and frem elite DK's hit that balance well with good gain per kill and rares being a increase in addition to that. Any boss at which the average loot before rares doesn't cover the cost of an kill has to be buffed.
All updates now are based on whether you want them. No additional rationale or reasoning needed such as devaluing skilling or presenting power creep or if it artificially lowers the purchase price of infrequent items.I mean obviously you shouldn't put me, or anyone in this sub (sans Woox) in charge of RuneScape. I have my opinions, if you do not like it then vote differently I voice them in surveys. Go kill cerb if you want to drop money on a supervisor for 511 kills in a row. I'm not fond of this strategy.
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