Madden 22 has plenty to make up for. While it seems to soften some of last year's rough edges, Madden 22 still struggles to make significant progress because of long-standing issues.
While EA was getting ready to launch Madden 22 in the weeks prior to launch, the chatter was focussed on new additions to the game. EA was playing a game of buzzwords during the months leading up to launch, with new classes for players in Face of The Franchise and an overhauled format for chemistry in MUT.
While some of the latest additions to the show are highly recommended Some (such such as Home Field Advantage), are long overdue, while others (such as the addition of Superstar X-Factors) build upon the existing content. Overall there's not a discernible difference from the last season's installment.
The game was an absolute mess during the initial stages. It was plagued by bugs and it did not pay attention to the smallest details. One example of this was to show Miami Dolphins QB TuaTagovailoa throwing a ball with his right arm - in spite of being one of the few QBs who play left handed.
The new features that are available in Madden 22 have been able to get over all bugs and glitches. However, they do not drastically alter the fundamental gameplay. The Home Field Advantages of EA provide an awesome atmosphere. But simple glitches like fans sporting different jerseys to the flags, take away from the immersion of the football sim.
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