05, April 2016: Will Abbott has just launched an engaging game that builds foreign language skills on Kickstarter. Mandarin Shooter Questis a fun2D shooting game that significantly improves the player’s ability to learn and recall Chinese words. It incorporates principles of repetition that improves memory and provides three parts to a Chinese word – the English translation, the character and the pinyin. With this game, interested individuals can now Learn Chinese While Having a Blast.
The idea came to mind when Will Abbott was at his corporate day job working very tough on a break and trying to pass level 10 of Snake through his Nokia 3210. Will thought about the possibility of learning Chinese in an easy and entertaining manner. Questions like what if learning the language could be as entertaining as a water gun fight or as easy as spending 15 minutes every day controlling a digital snake to devour square pixelated dots came to his mind. From these humble beginnings, the Mandarin Shooter Quest was born. The game improves the player’s Mandarin vocabulary that even the most language challengedindividuals will enjoy it.
People often get overwhelmed by the idea of learning Chinese. It’s often stated that Chinese is a tough language to learn. It is one of the most fascinating languages to learn, with its interesting history that dates back around 6,000 years and 20,000 existing characters. Learning the Chinese language gives a person a deep insight into China’s rich culture, heritage and history. It’s among the oldest languages of the world and is based on a graphic writing system where every word has a different symbol to signify its meaning. Mandarin Shooter Quest makes learning this language fun and easier for everyone.
Three demo levels have been built with basic functionality to test the idea. Will aims to make more improvements to the game, but this would not be possible without everyone’s help. The team wants to ensure that they have the most intuitive navigation, aesthetically pleasing designs and smoothest interface. The amount that will be collected from the Kickstarter campaign will be used to provide the necessary resources to make the game a reality.
Different rewards await those who will pledge. Those will give $10 will get a word of appreciation from the development team and their very own Chinese game. They only need to provide their name, hobby and birth year and the team will do the rest. For $15, backers will get a Chinese name and a mini version of the game before the official release. The format will include the first 5 Stages or 250 of the most frequently used Chinese words. Backers who will pledge $30 will get an All Levels Game Version ahead of the official launch. This version will provide backers with free access to all 20 stages and help them understand up to 1,000 Chinese words. They will also get $10 worth of In Game Money to purchase cheats and weapons for the game. The higher the amount pledged, the better the rewards will be.
The game mechanics is actually easy and simple. Players are given a word and required to shoot the target that represents the correct Chinese character. They need to remember the character or symbol, how to pronounce it and its meaning. There are 6 possible combinations in which words can be displayed. After correctly matching the first 10 words, the same words will be shown but in a different way. For instance, if it was presented in English to pinyin, it will be displayed in pinyin to Chinese characters the next time. Once the 6 possible combinations are completed, a summary box comes up to show their score. The highest possible score is 600 points, if no errors are made. Based on their performance, players get rated either one, two or three golden Chinese lucky cats. The more cats they collect, the better.
With the wide array of rewards, the ticking clock and fast repetition presented by the game, players are constantly challenged to test their memory and make the right connections while proceeding through the game. It may take hours, months or weeks of game play to master a word, but after overcoming all levels, the player will be able to better relate to those who speak the Chinese language. If the team achieves their stretch funding goals, they can provide the game in another useful language.
Will hopes that with everyone’s support and help, they can change the way Mandarin is learned and offer a tool that tourists, business executives, young children and university students will find beneficial when learning a certain language.
For more information, feel free to visit http://1bmc.org/learn-chinese. Check out the page for rewards.
For Media Contact:
Person Name: Will Abbott
[email protected]
Website: http://1bmc.org/learn-chinese