Engineered for an uplifting experience.
Every individual or enterprise big or small has come to a point where everyone is about to ‘turn a new leaf.’ Staying true to our style we at Meyer’s, as a team have found the resolve not only within us individually but also in each other’s support. Meyer Engineering PTE Ltd is officially open for business, again, to build up onwards from the same point where we left off, to be the foremost Lift and Elevator Company in Singapore.
Our attitude, aesthetics, engineering and quality has rewarded Meyer’s with the trust of the most trusted international brands in the world especially for the designing and quality of their respective products. Our approach of facilitating the perfect marriage of the engineering with the design helps us to be a trendsetter in lift and elevator design and customization.
While keeping a tight grip on the quality of not only our products but also our services by regularly affiliating with relevant certifications and/or accreditations, our lean size has worked as a strategy that has made us adaptive and agile in providing our clients with an ultra-wide spectrum of products available in the lift and elevator industry, today. The list of our products that has made us one of the most preferred Lift supplier in Singapore is as follows:
House/ Home Lifts
Handicap Lifts
Home Elevators
Platform Lifts
Lifts for Landed House
Hydraulic Lifts
Car Lifts
Hydraulic Platforms
Glass Lifts
Meyer Engineering PTE Ltd is located in the market hub at 2 Sims Close in Singapore so reach out us for all lift and/or elevator needs, you may peruse through our website to get a glimpse of our best or latest works at