All plastic trigger sprayers, made by TS 38S are a totally unique trigger sprayer, made entirely from all plastic parts, that are completely recyclable, making it an eco-friendly sprayer. What makes this a great product is the fact that it doesn't require any metal parts. This is made from polypropylene, and uses a self-lubricating, reusable trigger mechanism. The reason why the Trigger Sprayer is so unique is because of the fact that there are hundreds of different trigger mechanism spares available, and that it can be easily recycled when finished. It's one of the most well-known and widely used trigger mechanism manufacturers on the market.
In terms of design, this plastic trigger sprayer comes in two different versions, one the "Pro" version, that comes with a 10 year warranty (which is surprisingly long considering that you get an original piece of equipment), and the "TD" version, which is a slightly cheaper, but still high quality plastic trigger mechanism sprayer with a shorter warranty. Both of these plastic trigger sprays come with a variety of trigger mechanism parts, and many times aftermarket parts are available to upgrade your existing unit to increase performance and efficiency. They also usually come with an adjustable air pressure, which is great for sprays that shoot small amounts of foam at a time. The " TD" version is also great if you want to spray paint larger areas, and will work for just about any sized foam project. Another great perk of the " TD" model is that it's actually more compact than the "Pro" version, and can be used on machines like table saws or other similar machinery.
One thing I want to mention about this plastic trigger sprayer is that it's also made by hop-up, another company that makes high quality guns. This is interesting because most people don't realize that hop-ups are not plastic, they're metal. Because this type of trigger mechanism is made out of metal, you can guarantee that it's durable, and will last for years. The only real downside to using this type of trigger mechanism is that it will produce an incredibly loud pop of firing the gun when it's being used. Other than that, I highly recommend this trigger mechanism for any project.