If you are looking out to improve yourself, it is quite important that you first chalk about the various good and bad aspects of your behavior and other traits. This can be done by a simple SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) on a personal level. Make sure that you write these down in separate lists, to get a better idea of your behavior and personal attributes.
One basic aspect that you should remember is that you have to be truthful to yourself during the SWOT analysis, as not putting in the truth would be detrimental to the self improvement.
is not as easy as it is made out to be. One of the biggest obstacles a person faces during self improvement is themselves. Basically, human beings find it very difficult to accept their mistakes or accept that they are fault.
This is an inborn aspect in the human being, which has to be shaken off for the own good of the individual. Once a person accepts that they have some traits that are negative, it becomes simple for the person to walk on the path of self improvement.