Energy is the most considerable operating cost for any business. Therefore, keeping a check on the energy usage of the building should be the prime responsibility of an organisation. Professional energy audits are important to keep commercial buildings' operation at peak. They provide power-saving opportunities to reduce costs and make a building more sustainable overall.
What is the Purpose of Renewable Energy Auditing?
A renewable energy audit or green audit provides people with valuable information to reduce power usage in a building for the long term. It can help reduce carbon footprint by identifying the trouble areas of a commercial building that might be causing energy wastage. A registered energy auditor is responsible for completing the energy audit of a commercial or non-commercial building.
Advantages of Conducting Energy Audits for Commercial Building Performance
Helps in optimising cost- An energy auditor properly assesses a building’s air conditioning system, identifies leakages and unwanted heat transmission, and provides cost-effective solutions such as installing LED lights, etc to reduce your utility bills.
Reducing the wastage of energy - It identifies the source of maximum energy wastage and uses various methods such as waste heat for power refrigeration, selecting the right boiler water treatment, and installing steam drives to reduce energy waste and improve the productivity of the building.
Environmental protection - An energy audit gives suggestions to reduce carbon monoxide and fossil fuel pollution that in turn helps to improve employees’ productivity and create a greener environment. It is an effective tool to ensure sustainable energy for future generations.
Wrapping Up
If you are looking to have an energy auditing of your building, then look for a reputed company that offers professional energy auditing services as per AS3598 that includes three levels of auditing - basic, detailed, and precision including systematic analysis of energy use to boost your building’s performance.