OCL Regeneration is known as one the leading UK companies that support all efforts to provide sustainable material solutions to the environment that we live in.
They say they believe that we have to look after the environment today to ensure that tomorrow’s generation can benefit from all efforts of this generation to save scarce resources – also building materials – and to ensure that, instead of depleting our most valuable materials, we use recycled products and materials as far as possible.
They add that they are known all over the UK for the quality of the recycled aggregates that they offer to clients at the most reasonable prices. The company says they concentrate their efforts on sectors such as those served by builders, civil and structural engineers, road contractors, those working in land remediation and the waste and landfill sector.
According to the company they have done recycling of aggregates for small and medium companies, but also for large, national corporate groups. Apart from the sustainability of all products that they provide, they also believe in showing clients how recycling of builders materials will help them to save costs.
The company says they have a loyal following among many clients who work in construction of new buildings and structures, road works, renovations and related industries. They say that their recycled materials are appreciated by clients not only because they support a more environmentally friendly environment, but also because they are reasonably priced, durable, long lasting and manufactured according to the most advanced methods that recycled materials should be measured against.
According to the company they are known for their Foambase and HBM (Hydraulically Bound Materials) products that specifically support a green environment, as well as a host of others such as recycled aggregates used by the building industry. They mention single size materials, drainage and fill materials and ballast, for example.
The company says they have been in business for many years and they employ very experienced technicians and support staff to make sure that they deliver quality materials to their clients.
They say that their recycling methods involve meticulous crushing of previously used concrete – and asphalt at times – to ensure products that can be used in construction. Buying these products from them, they say, also helps save the clients money.
Managing Director Mr Stuart Gready said during an interview, “We are known as a form that places a high emphasis in the recycling of aggregates. We believe it is important to sustain the environment and look after our natural resources. Not only that, the work we do help our clients to save a lot of money.
At OCL Regeneration we create recycled materials for use by the building industry throughout England. Our recycled products are high quality and environmentally sustainable. Our clients include builders, structural and civil engineers, utility providers and contractors, the waste and landfill sector, road construction and surfacing contractors and those professionals who work in the field of land remediation. We use modern, innovative material recycling techniques to provide the building industry with the best materials in terms of quality and environmentally friendly practices. The modern builders we supply to, use these sustainable products to help avoid resource depletion and to help safeguard the environment against harmful practices. To find out more about our company and what we do, please visit http://www.oclonline.co.uk/