Having a healthcare insurance is not a choice. It is a mandatory requirement. If you lead a superfast life, then you are prone to suffer from a variety of lifestyle disorders. These disorders may lead to physical ailments and you may end up requiring long-term medical treatments or surgical procedures. The diseases always cause unplanned expenses and you may lose thousands of Korunas due to your treatment when living in Czech Republic. The Life Insurance Abroad is aware of this harsh reality and brings several healthcare plans for both Europeans and non-Europeans.
The Europeans get benefits of European Health Insurance Card in Czech Republic which covers the expenses of their basic healthcare. However, the Life Insurance Abroad can help Europeans get additional benefits with private Life Insurance for Foreigners from PVZP. The Life Insurance Abroad brings three different healthcare schemes – Gold Plus, Silver and Bronze. Any individual living in Czech Republic can apply for these healthcare plans depending upon the budget and requirements. The more benefits you want; the higher premiums you are expected to pay.
The Life Insurance Abroad makes these exclusive healthcare plans from PVZP available for non-European foreigners living in Czech Republic alongside the foreigners from other European countries. The students and employers even receive 10%-15% discounts. The students receive this discount after purchasing a healthcare plan whether it is Gold Plus, Silver or Bronze. The employers receive this discount after purchasing a comprehensive insurance plan for at least three employees. With this discount, you can enjoy all the facilities at an economic rate. It saves you from financial burden during emergencies and keeps your budget streamlined.
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