Being able to access small cash loans in a safe and easy way has been very difficult up until now. Swift Loans are launching a new way of getting a fast cash loan through their online portal and lending service.
A new fast cash online business sounds like a great idea
Swift Loans launched their new business with the desire to help customers access loans quicker and easier. They say that they understand a lot of their customers are people who have been taken by surprise by an unexpected expense that they may have not prepared or budgeted for. In fact, they are saying that their customers aren’t people who regularly seek loans and aren’t people who are desperately poor looking for any form of credit, in fact they are just people who have been caught short unexpectedly.
Swift Loans talk about the type of people they help being people who have been surprised by higher than anticipate household bills, medical bills or vets bills. But these are all things that need to be paid quickly, so whatever your circumstances if you don’t have the money to pay then you will be looking for a service like Swift Loans to help you pay what is needed immediately. It is the immediacy element that has been an issue for people through traditional lending institutions.
For example, banks are more set up to lend high amounts for mortgages or big expenses like that, so they have multiple checks that take securing a loan something that takes a long time. So, in this situation, going to a bank wouldn’t be the right choice, and that is where Swift Loans claim they have solved a problem for people.
How does the process work and how can people get a fast cash loan from Swift Loans
Swift Loans describe their process as being just answering a few simple questions online on their application page. This includes information on employment status and also asks you to securely submit your recent bank statements. This information will be what Swift Loans looks at and uses to see if they think you are eligible for a loan of between $200 and $4500.
If they don’t think they can lend to you from their own sister company, they will then search through their panel of other small online lenders to see if they can lend to you instead. If they do find you a loan, then they aim to send you the funds within an hour of a signed contract being received. So, once you accept an offer from them, the money really can be in your account in the same day.
So, if you have been thinking for a while about how to get fast easy cash loans, and have been struggling for ideas, then Swift Loans may be an interesting place to start. They offer fast cash loans in Australia for people who need smaller amounts for unexpected expenses. For more information about the process, you can visit their website at
Get touch Us:
Swift Loans
Suite 14, 50-58 Ross Street
Toorak, Victoria, 3142, Australia