Get to Know Metal Stamping Frontier Metal Stamping should get to know metal stamping because our capacities can produce so many everyday items, such as clamps, brackets, shims, covers, trays, latches, locks, channels, handles, household fixtures, jewelry, headliner Clips, retail clips, siding clips, accessories, transmission parts, electronic parts, data bus connector, heater components, valves and much more.
We bring state-of-the-art equipment and experienced staff to help companies fulfill their unique and exact requirements. So, let's get to know metal stamping .
What is stamping?
Stamping Parts, sometimes called pressing, depending putting a flat sheet metal (blank or coil form) into a stamping press. In the press, a tool and die surface makes the metal into a net shape. It can include manufacturing processes, like punching using a Machine press or stamping press, blanking, embossing, bending, flanging, and coining. This metal production service is sometimes a one stage operation where every stroke of the press makes the desired form on the sheet metal part, or it can be a series of Stamping is usually done on cold metal sheets.
How did stamping start?
To reduce costs, stamping replaced die forging and machining. In the 1890s, stamped bike parts were were imported into the United States from Germany. Soon, US machine tool makers built stamping machines for bike parts. Then car manufacturers began stamping parts for cars. Ford was reluctant at first, but couldn't meet the demand with die forged parts, so they also began using stampings as well.