Oolitic Aragonite is one of the supreme sources of calcium carbonate. Oolites are egg-shaped particles that form naturally as a result of some biological and chemical processes. It will be initially present in a precipitate form originated from marine or freshwater. The major properties include dust free and non-toxic elements. Due to its benefits many industries have started using them in their manufacturing processes. Marine, agriculture, energy and glass industries are some of the industries. Pisa Carolina is an accomplished oolitic aragonite exporter which can export oolitic aragonite to various parts of the country from the Bahamas.
A pure form of aragonite:
The purest form of aragonite is named oolitic aragonite. It has a very minimal amount of other elements in it. Oolitic aragonites are available in tons and can be stored for future usage. Several industrialists are planning to buy oolitic aragonite after seeing its performance in various fields. It can be used for removing pollutants and for manufacturing different materials. The major advantage of the mineral is its higher solubility level. When the solubility level increases it also increases the pH levels. Having a higher pH level will give instant benefits to crops. It can also repel various virus and bacteria which gives rise to many fish diseases. This repelling activity is done because of its negative zeta potential property.
How Aragonite forms from Oolites?
The egg-shaped particles oolitic aragonites naturally form in marine water made up of calcium bicarbonate. Due to a higher temperature and sunlight, the carbon dioxide will be evaporated from the oolites. It will form calcium carbonate from calcium bicarbonate. The precipitate will form a microscopic crystal structure interlocked with calcium carbonates. These crystals are named the purest form of Aragonite. Unique and consistent performing aragonites are formed from these processes.
About Pisa Carolina
Pisa Carolina is one of the certified oolitic aragonite exporters in the United States. The company also has several partnerships with Bahamian and US companies. Their hub is located in the Port District Wilmington, DE. The major vision of the company is to provide quality aragonite for the industries. They also offer quotes for the companies which needs the best oolitic aragonites at a reasonable cost. For more details please visit https://pisacarolina.com/
Phone: 855-751-9100