Weight gain is a natural phenomenon for the human body. With our growing age, we gain weight and weight gain is often considered a sign of good health. However, too much of anything is harmful, and therefore, if you notice that you are gaining excessive weight within a short period of time, then it can be a matter of serious health concern. Are you putting in some extra efforts and yet, unable to accomplish your weight loss goals? Obesity is such a health condition that can often be difficult to manage. This condition has different stages and if you are in the initial stage, then you can achieve weight loss through exercising and dieting. There are many non-surgical methods of weight loss and you are suggested to try these techniques first before opting for the surgical weight loss procedures.
When to opt for weight loss surgeries like bariatric Gastric Sleeve in Perth?
Gastric Sleeve Surgery, which is known by different names, such as Sleeve Gastrectomy, Greater Curvature Gastrectomy, Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy, and many more, is a common and effective surgical weight loss procedure, performed by highly capable and experienced weight loss specialists. This surgery removes about 85% of the stomach, reducing its size to the shape of a sleeve or banana, and thereby, minimizing its food-holding capacity. This gradually triggers weight loss without hampering normal bodily functions.
Why is the bariatric Gastric Sleeve in Perth a preferred bariatric procedure?
Well, Gastric Sleeve is major surgery, yet it can be done laparoscopically, and hence, the complications and risks are much less than the other bariatric procedures. Patients having certain chronic intestinal conditions and other health problems, can opt for this surgery, only after thoroughly consulting the weight loss surgeon. Post-surgery, patients have to follow a strict diet and maintain a balanced lifestyle as per the surgeon’s suggestions.
For more information visit this this website: https://www.perthsurgicalbariatrics.com.au/weight-loss-surgery/gastric-sleeve/