September 12th, 2018
Orlando, Florida— Local Orlando DUI lawyer Chris Kaigle of the Kaigle Law Firm announced they had re-launched their website with new features and content. The goal is to make the website more user friendly while providing vital information. Until the re-launch, it had been somewhat difficult to find the website on search engines. When asked about the re-launch a representative said “For years used the same law making platform that many lawyers use for websites. The website was the same as most, and that meant no Google rankings or leads. The switch to award winning IDrive Media in Orlando will make sure that Kaigle Law Firm will be top of Google for Orlando DUI Lawyer searches and other criminal defenses. The new website will help clients find Kaigle Law, and in turn, we will be able to help them.” Kaigel Law is excited about the opportunity to help people charged with Driving under the influence because they feel many lawyers over charge and don’t fight for the clients. These type of Orlando DUI lawyers usually push for plea deals and make you do the DUI school and stuff. At the Kaigle Law Firm, they won’t accept a plea deal unless it’s the last resort. The goal always is always to fight for you aggressively. The website is expected to make a positive impact in the lives of those in Orlando who have been charged with DUI and want a law firm that will fight for them against the State attorney. Chris Kaigle formerly worked for the State. He knows the ins and outs of these cases and will guide you through the process, so you do not have to stress. Call the Kaigle Law Firm today 407-545-6416.
Kaigel Law Firm
1521 Mount Vernon Street
Orlando, Florida 32803
Phone: (407) 545-6416
Fax: (407) 613-5952
[email protected]