These and many other factors can have an extremely negative impact on the health of the spine, which can be significantly improved with the help of yoga for the back and spine. This ancient teaching shows the best results, it is not a type of fitness - these are physical and spiritual practices.
How can yoga benefit the spine?
The spine is a complex system, the mobility of which is provided by the vertebrae, intervertebral discs, muscles and ligaments. The spine also acts as a framework for the spinal cord, so it is so important to maintain its strength and health.
Yoga for the spine and joints is very popular, as twisting and stretching the spinal column (which is what many asanas are aimed at) helps slow down the biological aging of the body. Correctly selected exercises allow you to:
Strengthen your back muscles. Many illnesses arise from weak back muscles that are unable to withstand heavy loads.
Stretch your spine. Sitting at your desk for long periods of time causes excessive back strain, leading to slouching and shortening of the distance between the vertebrae. Asanas help straighten your spine and relieve pain.
Relax your muscles. Muscle tension is a very big problem.
In addition, properly selected yoga exercises for the spine have a general positive effect on a person. They can improve the emotional and physical state in general, allow you to learn deep and calm breathing to saturate the cells with oxygen, activate the lymphatic system, removing toxins from the body, etc.
Yoga for the back and spine – when will it help?
Yoga for beginners with the right asanas and exercises has a general positive effect on human health. Regular classes help reduce the pressure inside the intervertebral discs, making them more mobile due to increased elasticity of muscles and ligaments.
Asanas can be selected in such a way that during the exercises there is a direct impact on a specific segment of the spine or on the entire back as a whole.
A competent approach allows you to fight:
with scoliosis
inflammation and other problems
Yoga for the back with a hernia
A real problem for many modern people is intervertebral hernias, which usually occur due to low motor activity. With such a disease, yoga classes should be performed only after receiving the appropriate permission from the attending physician, who will have to approve the exercises before the patient begins to do them.
The selection of exercises is determined taking into account many factors:
pain intensity
stage of the disease
the presence of other diseases and complications
In case of a hernia, all suitable asanas must be performed as carefully and smoothly as possible so that they do not cause harm or lead to new pain or problems.