This condition is different from normal or primary snoring. Primary snoring can be caused by nose or throat disorders, sleep patterns (especially white sleep), weight gain or ageing, and the use of alcohol or other depressants. Primary Snoring and Sleep Apnea Snoring occurs when the tissues in the back of the throat vibrate, but people with sleep apnea tend to: Or choke restlessness. Consult the best Sleep Apnea Doctor here.
Different types of sleep apnea:-
Obstructive sleep apnea. This is the most common kind. This usually happens when the airways become repeatedly blocked, partially or completely during sleep, due to the breakdown of the soft tissues behind the throat. During these times, the diaphragm and chest muscles work harder than usual to keep the airways open. You can take a long breath or move your body. This can interfere with sleep, reduce oxygen flow to vital organs, and cause abnormal heartbeats. Get the best Pulmonary Disease Treatment from us today.
Central sleep apnea is not blocked with this type of airway. Instead, a problem in the breath control centre prevents the brain from directing the muscles to breathe. It is related to the functioning of the central nervous system. Central sleep apnea occurs most often in people with a neuromuscular disorder, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Le Greg's disease). Or people who have had a stroke, heart failure, or other heart, kidney, or lung disease. In people and Complicated sleep apnea syndrome. This condition, which doctors call central sleep apnea when treatment begins, occurs when both obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea are present.
We have an excellent team of medical assistants and nurses in our local hospital's intensive care unit and floors. You can learn about new research and developments or find helpful training materials on treating lung disease or sleep disorders. Our doctors specialize in evaluating cough, wheezing, shortness of breath and snoring.
Contact Us:
Name: Pulmonary, Critical Care, & Sleep Medicine of SW Florida
Address: 7335 Gladiolus Dr., Fort Myers, FL 33908
Phone: 2399851925