The embryo is located at central bottom portion of the grain, where the grain has been attached to the panicle of the rice plant. This is the living organism in the grain which develops into a new plant. The embryo respires by taking in oxygen in the air, consumes food which comes from the starch in the grain itself while simultaneously releasing moisture and heat. This explains why grains during storage have the tendency to decrease in weight as a result of the loss in moisture and dry matter content in the endosperm. During milling by the rice destoner, the embryo is removed resulting in an indented shape at one end of the milled rice grain.
The poor acceptance of local rice in Nigeria has to do with its processing which introduces stone particles and pebbles and medical analysts had reiterated so many times the danger inherent in its consumption. As a result of this, the authors were motivated to design a simple machine that can be used to produce Ofada rice that is saved for human consumption. The machine will reduce the labour and efforts involved in the manual method of separation of the impurities from rice grains, minimize wastage, improve the quality of locally produce rice (OFADA rice), increase its demand, enhance mass production and make operational processes more convenient.
A versatile model from paddy cleaner, known as "GC-7" and with a capacity of 1 t/hour for paddy and 3 t/hour for maize, was widely accepted by Bolivian farmers (CIAT, 1996). The main advantage of this model is that it can be manufactured in developing countries in local metal workshops.
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