RS Berserker shield is a shield which can be obtained from Fist of Guthix. Here is our Berserker shield guide with detailed information on this shield.
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How to obtain RS Berserker shield?
As one of the rewards, Berserker shield can be gained from RS Fist of Guthix minigame. The minigame employs tactics and strategy, offering a substantial range of rewards.
To play Fist of Guthix, you must first speak to Fiara or Coulson. The entrance to Fist of Guthix is located in the Gamers' grotto, east of the Falador lodestone. The Fist of Guthix minigame consists of two rounds. In each round, one player is classified as the "hunted," and the other player is the "hunter." Both players will have a chance to play each role. The winner is determined based upon number of charges one player is able to collect during his turn as "hunted."
Other information on Berserker shield
1. Berserker shields come in 2 metals: adamantite and runite. The former requies 45 Defence to equip, and the latter requires a level of 55.
2. RS3 Berserker shield can be repaired by paying Reggie fist of guthix tokens. They can also be uncharged immediately and completely by Reggie free of charge. Notice that you must do this if you want to sell the Berserker shield, as they are untradeable in the charged state.
3. If you do not wish to earn the full 100 (adamant) or 300 (rune) tokens to purchase the Berserker shield at the Fist of Guthix, you can also purchase the uncharged shield via the Grand Exchange and recharge it for 10 or 30 tokens respectively.
Hope now you know more about RS Berserker shield.
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