Here comes a chance to obtain RS instakill dart if you want this item. On August 12th, you can purchase the deathtouched dart from Travelling Merchant's Shop.
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RS instakill dart available on Aug. 12th
RS deathtouched dart is an item which can be used to kill almost any monster with one hit. On August 12th 2020, the deathtouched dart will be available from the third item slot in the Travelling Merchant's Shop. You can purchase the dart for 5,000,000 coins.
RS Travelling Merchant's Shop is a shop run by the travelling merchant, which can be found on the Deep Sea Fishing hub. Notice that RS travelling merchant will only stay for approximately 10 minutes.
How to use RS deathtouched dart?
The deathtouched dart can work on most quest bosses outside and inside the Dominion Tower, and all non-quest and minigame bosses. When using a dart, you will not gain combat experience; however, you could gain Slayer experience if you use it to kill an appropriate Slayer target.
If you use a deathtouched dart to kill a boss, the kill will not count in the Beasts tab. There will be a 15 minute penalty in which any bosses killed during this period will not have their kills and fastest kill speed recorded.
Seize the chance if you want RS deathtouched dart.
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