With the next patch possibly just around the wow gold corner, I wanted to share how I’m preparing for patch 7.3. There is no official release date for patch 7.3 currently, however, Blizzard has been releasing the patches seventy-seven days or eleven weeks apart since the start of Legion like clockwork and because of that many are certain that it will be released on August 29th. Remember that this is still PTR and that things could be added or removed at any time before release.you cant miss to buy cheap wow gold on Safewow by the new member system.
Number One: Order Resources
On our first stop to preparing for patch 7.3 we’re taking a look at Order Resources. Now, I know most people have an abundance of Order Resources currently, but don’t go and waste them on Bloods of Sargeras. In patch 7.3 there are new troops you can purchase using your Order Resources. The first troops I came across were Krokul Ridgestalkers on Krokuun. A single Ridgestalker cost will go up in increments upto 900 Order Resources but comes with a new ability called Veteran of Argus, which counters Argus Elites on missions. From the little experience that I have had with them, they are very strong troops to have. There are two other troop types you can get. First is Lightforged Bulwark and the second is Void-Purged Krokul,?but with how buggy the PTR has been for me lately I haven’t been able to find them just yet.
Number Two: Obliterum & Primal Sargerite
When preparing for a new patch, a big question people ask is: “Should I sell or keep these items?” Obliterum is a bit of a tricky one. No one knows for sure if it will lose or gain value, all I can do is tell you what it’s going to be used for. In patch 7.3, Obliterum can be combined with Primal Sargerite to create Primal Obliterum. Primal Obliterum will be used only to upgrade the new crafted items added in 7.3, up to 935. Personally, I am going to keep enough Obliterum to upgrade the new Plate helm and chest and then sell the rest of my Obliterum while the prices are still high.
Primal Sargerite is the new Blood of Sargeras used in all of the new recipes. Now, that doesn’t mean it’s time to spend all of your Bloods of Sargeras, they are still useful. In patch 7.3 a new Alchemy Transmute Recipe will allow you to transmute 25 Blood of Sargeras for 1 Primal Sargerite. Personally, I don’t believe this transmute will be worth it, but I could be wrong. Just like the current Boon of the Bloodhunter, there is a new shoulder enchant called Boon of the Lightbearer which can be bought after reaching Revered with the new Army of the Light faction.
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