Why planning application?
Want to build your dream house?
Want to do something in your land, which you were planning from long long ago?
Let’s do it. But you are living in a civilized society, and you have to follow some rules and regulation!
If you want to build your property, then you have to make a planning application, and then you have to send it to the legal authority for planning permission!!
Once you send the planning application, then it’s all up to the local council!
If they think, that it’s good enough then they will approve it, and if they think it’s not, then it will be rejected!
Don't you have enough time for this stuff?
Here we go!!
We, Online Architectural Service have a group of staff, who are always ready to make a proper application, and send it for the planning permission!
So be with us, let’s do the very beginning of your dream!
Why Online Architectural Service?
Dreams are easy to think but tough to make it real! And the most crucial problem which might occur is the cost!
Every single person won’t provide you with an affordable planning application!
We ‘Online Architectural Service’ are providing Low-cost architectural service to make your dream real!
You might think, these are the common words used by every single individual!
Okay, without wasting your valuable time, check the market, and find who is providing you lowest price service!!
Once you are done, we can ensure you it’s us, who are the lowest in the market!!
Cheapest that means worst?
That’s what you were thinking right?
Okay, have a chat with our architects, and then you will realize what we are, and how we do!!
What is our specialty?
Time for some practical words!
In this professional world, we understand that without having any specialty, anyone can’t just even survive in the market!
So let’s talk about our specialty!!
1. We made our team by the most talented and hardworking architects who were graduated from the most reputed universities!!
2. Once an application is ready, its rechecked by the head of the department just to ensure that everything is fine!
3. We always keep a good connection with the local legal authority to make our self-know about the updated rules and regulations!
4. We have a good link up with the legal authority, and if any problem occurs, we used to find the best and easiest solution for it at the shortest time!
5. Once you notice any confusion or kind of problem, our staff are always ready to have a chat with you, and satisfy you with all their knowledge!
Check out everything, and once you think that’s enough for you then without wasting your valuable time dial our number, and contact with us.
Types of Planning Application we provide -
1.Householder Application–It is a kind of work, which is related to extensions to dwellings which are not permitted yet.
2.Full application-If we can call anything familiar among all proposals then we have to say its full application!
In it, all the design settings, proposal, drainage, and access arrangements, are kept.
3.Approval of reserved matters-When it comes about the granting of an outline application, then it is needed. It just sets outstanding details of the proposals!!
4. Certificate of Lawfulness- It is mainly an appeal which is created under planning acts. This application consists many things.
Once the formal appeal is transmitted, then it’s all up to council. They make a conventional resolution about the fact that, whether the asset is allowable and /or building works needs planning compliance.If they think that the application is good enough, then the applicant can proceed for further steps
As we believe in quality, rather than quantity, That’s why we are providing these services to ensure the best quality service!
How to have a contract with us?
We are always there for you. So you don’t have to face that kind of problem while having a contract with us. Once you decide that, you are okay with us, then all you need to do is to follow some simple procedures.
And they are –
Step no 1-just call on our number which is given on our website, and fix a meeting with our architect.
Step no 2 –Explain your plan.
Step no 3-we will take 7/8 working days to make your plan.
Step no 4 –Once you are okay with our plan, we will be submitting this to the legal authority.
That’s it!!
We eagerly believe in this professional world;you should be sure before having a contract with anyone.
So have a look at our website, compare us with others, and once you think we are good enough for you, then you can have a contract with us!!