Diamond Multi State CGHS Ltd is a Flagship Project of Diamond Multistate Cooperative Group Housing Society Ltd in the Affordable Category to cater all Classes of the Society and would be sacrosanct with the Real Estate Bill brought by our Government, and is registered under the Multistate Cooperative Societies Act 2002 with regd no: MSCS/CR/ 1082/ 2014. Diamond Multi State CGHS Ltd has conceptualized its residential projects for each and every community of society.
Diamond Multi State CGHS Ltd has taken the initiative to tailor made a unique platform where members associate to participate in the land pooling scheme. The society through its platform will enable to create an investment tool ensuring the robust return and will enable itsmembers to own a dreamhome in New Delhi.
Role of Diamond Multi State CGHS ltd.
Diamond Multi State CGHS Ltd shall purchase buy land for its members from farmers, owners of land parcels & parties who are having cleartitle ofland in their names.
Assembly & surrender of land as per policy in the prescribed time frame to be specified in the regulations.
Preparation of the layout plans/detailed plans as per the provision of Master Plan and the policy.
Demarcate all the roads as per Layout Plan and Sector Plan and get the same verified from the concerned authority within the assembled area and seek approval of Layout plans / detailed plansfromthe DDA.
Develop sector roads / Internal Roads / infrastructure /services (including water supply lines, power supply, rain water harvesting, STP, WTP, etc.) falling in its share of the land.
DE shall be allowed creation of infrastructure facilities, roads, parks, etc., at city level subject to approval of competent authority.
Return of the prescribed built up space / dwelling units for EWS / LIG Dwelling Unit component to the DDA as per the policy.
Timely completion of development and its maintenance with all the neighbourhood level facilities i.e., open spaces, road and services till the area is handed over to the Municipal Corporation concerned for maintenance. The deficiency charges, if any shall be borne by the DE at the time of handling over of the services to the corporation.