Singapore - 14 November 2022: Contact lenses give you a sense of freedom from the thick lens eyeglasses and keep you away from a fear of falling down from your face while doing some activities. Don't keep yourself away from getting the advantages of contact lenses.
1) Sleeping in contact lenses at night
As per doctor's advice or medical observation - it is said that people who sleep in contact lenses invites problem for their eyes because such activity stop oxygen to reach your eyes and result dry eyes, strain and infection. Always wear off contact lens when you go to sleep. If want to wear lens at the time of sleep, you can use extended contact lens as Manufacturing Contact Lenses are particularly designed to wear at night. Get advice of optometrist to confirm that it is suitable for you or not!
2) Using anything instead of right solutions
The solution completely depends on your contact lens and what kind of clean-up pattern you prefer to opt. Generally, optometrists suggest you to purchase a multi-purpose solution as it allow you to clean-up and store it. There are different kinds of solutions available in the market specially designed for different types of contact lenses. So, identify the contact lens you wear and get the solution.
3) Not maintaining cleanliness
If your hand is not washed that means it hold lots of germs which may be transferred to your contact lens at the time of wearing and result is "eye infection". So prior to wearing it, wash your hand properly as it will eliminate the risk of infections. Carefully wash your hand with the antiseptic soap and clean water, dry it with the towel and insert the lens.
4) Placing lenses in a wrong way
Some people don't know how to wear the Cast Moulding Technology contact lens and it leads to vision problem. It is soft, gelly and curved type lens that is hold at the tip of your finger, hold your upper and lower eyelid to place the lens on the lower part of your eye and slowly remove your hand to allow your eyes to blink until the lens is not adjust in the center.
If you are looking for Cast Moulding Contact Lenses, then check
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30 Cecil Street, #19-08 Prudential Tower, Singapore, 049712
Registration Number: 200619006K
+65 81827550
Gordon Maccabee
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