"Saudi Arabia - The Future of Foodservice to 2021" provides extensive insight and analysis of Saudi Arabia's foodservice market over the next five years (2016-2021) and acts as a vital point of reference for operators or suppliers.
Saudi Arabia's food service profit sector is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 6.8%, to reach a value of SAR 87.0 billion in 2021. Contributing to this growth is the urbanized youth's increasing reliance on foodservice, both for socialization and nourishment, underpinned in part by the evolving roles of women.
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With most growth coming from urban areas, transaction growth is expected to outstrip outlet growth, with transactions growing at a CAGR of 2.3% until 2021, compared to an outlet growth of just 0.7%.
The popularity of chains persists and is expected to help drive growth, while consumer demands for convenience and the ongoing segregation of men and women is expected to continue, fueling demand for takeaway and delivery.
The report includes -
Overview of Saudi Arabia's macro-economic landscape: Detailed analysis of current macro-economic factors and their impact on the Saudi Arabian foodservice market including GDP per capita, consumer price index, population growth and annual household income distribution.
Growth dynamics: In-depth data and forecasts of key channels (QSR, FSR and Coffee & Tea Shops) within the Saudi Arabian foodservice market, including the value of the market, number of transactions, number of outlets and average transaction price.
Customer segmentation: indentify the most important demographic groups, buying habits and motivations that drive out-of-home meal occasions among segments of the Saudi Arabian population.
Key players: Overview of market leaders within the four major channels including business descriptions and number of outlets.
Case Studies: Learn from examples of recent successes and failures within the Saudi Arabian foodservice market.
Between 2014 and 2016, sales value in QSR rose at a strong CAGR of 7.0% to reach SAR15.6 billion. Despite economic troubles and a fairly high unemployment rate, organic population growth, evolving gender roles and a young, urban population will continue to drive strong growth in QSR, with sales value set to grow from SAR15.6 billion to SAR22.1 billion by 2021.
The FSR channel is the dominant profit sector channel and accounts for nearly 48% of the Saudi Arabian market, with QSR representing 25%. Due to the absence of pubs, clubs and bars in Saudi Arabia, restaurant channels benefit from a boost in visits for social occasions. However, segregation of men and women has continued to complicate operations. Indeed, international players such as Starbucks have at times struggled to balance satisfying local cultural demands with maintaining their international image.
Sales value in coffee and tea shops is forecast to grow at a slower rate than in other restaurant channels, partially reflecting the channel's lower transaction values and more limited range of food offerings. With social, drink led occasions important to coffee and tea shops, the rise of casual dining brands is expected to increase competition for these occasions.
Reasons to buy
Specific forecasts of the Saudi Arabian foodservice market over the next five years (2016-2021) will give readers the ability to make informed business decisions through identifying emerging/declining markets.
Consumer segmentation detailing the desires of known consumers among all major foodservice channels (QSR, FSR and Coffee & Tea Shops) will allow readers understand the wants and needs of their target demographics.
Relevant case studies will allow readers to learn from and apply lessons discovered by emerging and major players within the Saudi Arabian foodservice market.
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