If you are planning a big event for your company, band, sports team, TV production, etc. it is important that you have proper fire safety in place. These events can be great entertainment, but they can also be a risk for those who are attending. When so many people are all in one place, a fire breaking out can lead to extreme fear which causes panic. Having proper fire safety gear in place can help save not only your reputation but many, many lives.
A great company that offers event fire safety is S K Fire Protection. They have a variety of equipment options that are available for hire, meaning you pay for them as you need them and then return them. This is a great option as you may not need the equipment long term and paying for it outright is not necessary. These hiring services will not only save you money on your event, but they will also guarantee your event stays safe.
The equipment hired from S K Fire Protection can be kept for as little as a day up to years or longer. They have fire extinguishers available to cover practically any sized event, from large music festivals to smaller sporting events. They have a large UK presence that allows them to access locations in London, Nottingham, Birmingham, Leicester, Wales, and Scotland. They can provide fire cover to events in any of these locations, ensuring your event safety complies with British standards
They ensure that each of their hired fire extinguishers are checked by one of their trained engineers to guarantee they work properly. In addition to basic fire alarms, they can also provide you with a range of audible fire alarm covers. They offer fire trolley points that have both extinguishers and alarms, offering various levels of cover by a simple hand rotary bell. Overall, no matter what type of fire safety gear you need for your event, they can help ensure you get proper protection for your guests.
“At S K Fire Protection, we offer a variety of services along with our rental equipment to guarantee that you get the best protection possible for your business. Each member of our staff are highly knowledgeable and trained to give you the best help possible. If you have a big event coming up, please reach out to us to learn more about our available equipment. We would be glad to help you find gear that fits your specific needs,” states Paul Mayfair, Manager of the company.
About Us: S K Fire Protection is a UK based fire safety company with over sixty years of experience. They offer quality, highly trained fire safety and equipment specialist services to companies nationwide. They service companies of all sizes and offer personalized, caring service to everyone they work with. Through dedication to their work and many satisfied customers, they have built an outstanding reputation. You can see examples of their work in several major companies and through many large events, such as the Crabbies Grand National and the London Olympics. To learn more about their fire safety procedures, contact them today.