Fire prevention and making sure your business has all processes in place to deal with such issues is one of the important duties that managers and owners of buildings entrust to specific individuals at their organization. All companies are indeed required by law to have these in place, and in this regard well-known SK Fire Protection offers their services that are often referred by their clients.
They are represented in and around London and many parts of the UK such as Nottingham, Leicester, Birmingham and Lincolnshire. They are experienced and their services and equipment are often utilized at big events such as sports meets, concerts and similar events where organizers rely on their services to look after all safety aspects in terms of fire prevention.
The firm offers a varied service right from marketing fire extinguishers, servicing them for owners regularly, hiring out their equipment for events and performing fire risk assessments at your buildings to fire training and installing and testing fire alarms.
Because the country’s laws dictate that safety is paramount in and around buildings, and at public places and events, all owners have to ensure they take all precautions to ensure everybody’s safety at all times.
This, of course, includes most public events and certainly many organised get-togethers, as well as all public, or big, buildings such as state and government buildings but also apartment blocks and factories. In this regard SK Fire Protection’s services are often used by clients from different backgrounds. One of the services they are often contacted for concerns their fire alarm maintenance services.
The firm’s Manager Mr Paul Mayfair often receives requests for interviews. At one of these he said recently, “At SK Fire Protection we offer our services to any owner of a building that is required by law to have fire prevention and related services in place. One such service refers to your business’s fire alarm system. We install them and we service them. We deal with different industries in this regard and offer a flexible service. Please be in touch and find out how we can assist.”
By law (Regulatory Reform Order 2005 – fire Safety) virtually every business and most owners of buildings are required to have a fire alarm, and importantly, these alarms have to be inspected and maintained at least every 6 months. SK Fire Protection does this every day and their well-trained staff are always ready to assist any client that needs this service.
The firm is highly regarded by their current and past clients as well as by leading industries; they do, for example, enjoy accreditation from the British Approvals for Fire Equipment (BAFE).
We offer 60 years’ experience and expertise as a fire safety specialist and our services are available throughout the UK. We have depots all over the country and have been involved in the fire safety processes at large events such as the London Olympic Games in 2012 and the Glasgow Commonwealth Games in 2014. We offer extensive services and support in terms of the needs of all businesses, whether you are large or small. Some of our services include free advice and quotations, providing fire extinguishers and regular servicing, event fire safety services, fire risk assessment and training, as well as fire alarm installation and maintenance. Our teams are knowledgeable and professional and our service meticulous. For more about us, please visit