Bharat Book Bureau Provides the Trending Market Research Report on “The U.S. Meditation Market”under Healthcare category. The report provides information on industry overview, market size, latest developments, industry trends, Key players, global presence, and their future prospects.
Practicing Meditation to reduce stress is becoming mainstream in America. Today, 9.3 million Americans meditate, fueling a $1+ billion industry comprised of meditation studios, books, DVDs, workshops, online courses, websites, apps and supplies. Like the yoga market, which has seen a major increase in the past decade, meditation is experiencing strong growth.
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The following topics are covered: why demand exists, nature and evolution of U.S. meditation studios/centers/retreats, the key companies and gurus in the market, customer demographics, relationship to yoga studios, typical meditation center operations, for-profit vs. non-profit centers, key trends, market niches and 2022 forecasts. Analysis and $ size of these market segments: meditation studios/classes market, books/DVDs/CDs market, meditation apps & websites market, online courses market, corporate wellness programs market, and the supplies & accessories market. Includes meditation center start-up costs and revenues, competitor profiles, findings/market outlook via interviews with industry operators, and a list of resources for follow-up. Profiles of: Headspace, Inscape, Unplug, Mindful, Mind Body green, Hay House, Soundstrue, Gaia, Kadampa Centers, Shambala Centers, TM (Transcendental Meditation) Centers, Deepak Chopra, Jon Kabat-Zinn, and Eckhart Tolle.
Report Scope and Methodology
Sources and methodology used for the report, report scope 2-5
Overview of Industry Facts & Findings
List of key industry metrics, trends, estimates, forecasts and conclusions of
the report. 6-7
Nature & Definition of the Market 8-9
Types of meditation, history, percent and number of Americans that meditate,
Why it’s becoming mainstream
Customer Demographics 10-14
Discussion of number of meditators, why the growth, reasons for becoming mainstream
Findings of government research studies: 2012 U.S. National Health Interview Survey: Prevalence of meditation use, patterns of meditation practice, profile of typical meditator (age, race, spending, types of services used).
- Reasons for meditating
- Where people get information (books, newspapers, Internet, DVDs, articles, etc.)
- Meditation’s effects on health.
Market Structure 15
Market segments, types of facilities and products comprising the market (programs, studios/centers, apps, websites, books, online courses, workshops).
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