Drumgun posted that he gained 5.2 billion total experience in 1900 days. He is a legendary in RS history, and admired by most of RS players. All players can buy the cheapest runescape 3 gold at rs3gold.com to create a legendary in RS history.
Achievements of Drumguns
Drumgun is the first RuneScape player to achieve 200 million experience in both Summoning and Divination. By July 3, he has 200 million experience in all 26 skills and 5.2 billion total experience. He has overtaken SUOMI’s records and is ranked the first in total experience.
He started playing RuneScape in late 2005. Since then, he occupied the first to achieve 200 million experience in every skill after the release of Divination.
5.2 billion total experience in 1900 days
In face of his achievements, many players always wonder how long he spends in playing game each day. According to Mod MMG on April 5, 2014, Drumgun plays the game an average of 13 hours and 6 mnutes every day. Shockingly, Drumgun claimed that he spent 17 hours in game play averagely each day.
By May 6, 2014, he has occupied about 1900 days on RuneScape game play. This number has aroused a controversy. To put that into perspective, he has averaged about 16 hours per day to gain all experience since he plays this game. Even some players claimed that, he used to be in the Nex and SS clan with Drumgun, and he saw Drumgun played about 18 hours without rest.
Faster way to become No. 1
Drumgun spent so many times in gaining experience, even no sleep and work. As a normal player, we have many other things to do except for RuneScape. We need sleep, party with friends and travel. So it is hard for a normal person to spend an average of 16 hours per day in eight years to reach this level.
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