PR Firm Spider invests in clean air

Posted November 30, 2021 by spiderpr

As we continue to move closer to normality, our understanding of how we can best keep employees and clients safe has evolved.
As we continue to move closer to normality, our understanding of how we can best keep employees and clients safe has evolved. In PR, we have and will always thrive off human interaction. Hosting clients at our offices in the Spider Hub is second nature and asking them to stay away throughout the pandemic was a truly unnatural reality.

Already, such days are slipping into the memory with Spider Hub once again bustling with life and purpose. Alongside our colleagues and clients journeying to Spider House, our new medical grade air purifiers, that work tirelessly to ensure our office is as safe a place as possible, have established themselves within our office.

We have invested in a product trusted by the NHS to improve air quality and remove dangerous pathogens. We knew we had to go further than just open windows and hand sanitiser to legitimately feel as though we had taken all necessary steps to reassure everyone in our office that it is safe to be here. Spider made the decision to invest in medical grade purifiers from our market leading client, MedicAir.

There are now more than 3,000 of MedicAir’s air purifiers in NHS facilities around the UK. Removing 99.9% of all viruses, pollutants and general bad smells from the air space, the device is proven to boost productivity, wellbeing and most importantly, reduce the threat of COVID and other airborne diseases to colleagues and clients.

From the bottom floor to the boardroom, Spider Hub has one of the cleanest air spaces in London! Even the impact of hay fever when the grass in the gardens that lay beside our office is cut, has been drastically reduced.
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Issued By Spider PR
Country United Kingdom
Categories Marketing
Tags pr agency , pr compay
Last Updated November 30, 2021