Gina Eubank, Living Nutrilicious Founder, Advocates H.E.A.L.T.H.Y. New Year

Posted January 17, 2015 by suleman

Gina Eubank is the founder of Living Nutrilicious and has been dubbed "America's Favorite Pharmacist."
Gina Eubank is the founder of Living Nutrilicious and has been dubbed “America’s Favorite Pharmacist.” She is recognized as an expert in healthy lifestyles and helps people who are bombarded with information weed fact from fiction.

Gina Eubank, “America’s Favorite Pharmacist,” will be appearing on Great Days Houston on January 15, 2015, to talk about one of her favorite topics: living healthy. Gina says Living Nutrilicious embodies a very simple acronym: H.E.A.L.T.H.Y. She created this acronym to help listeners easily remember how to lead a healthy life. “Everything you need to stay healthy is rolled up in this one easy-to-remember acronym,” says Gina.

“H stands for happy. Happy is a choice, and you can choose to be happy instead of miserable. Studies have shown happier people live longer than unhappy people. E stands for eat to live, not live to eat. Emotional eating and seeking food for pleasure can lead to many chronic health conditions and reduce the quality of a person’s life, as well as increase the risk of having to be on medication.”

“A stands for being active every day. Find a way each day to incorporate more movement into your daily life, such as dancing or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Movement and stretching flush nutrients and oxygen-rich blood to your organs and keep you strong and flexible. L stands for both laugh and love, two things everyone should do more of. Laughter increases the body’s endorphins, which are the natural ‘feel good’ chemicals in the body. People have been prescribed laughter therapy to help them heal from diseases.”

“T stands for time. Every day gives you 86,400 seconds of precious time; you cannot save or bank the seconds, so use them wisely. H stands for help others. There is nothing better than the gift of good mojo, and the only way to gain it is to help others unselfishly. By giving the gift of good mojo you actually feel better, because your body releases endorphins. Finally, Y stands for your peer group. Remember that the people you hang out with and the support structure you put around yourself will set you up to win or lose. Be sure to choose wisely.”

Gina Eubank is the founder of Living Nutrilicious has been a regular contributor on CBS’s Great Day Houston for several years and will appear on the morning show on January 15, 2015. She regularly shares her insights on how to live a nutritious and healthy life on her website, located at . Recently, Gina was able to share her wisdom on managing alcohol consumption in time for the New Year on her blog at . Her Facebook page is also helpful for those who want to learn more about her coaching and teaching at

About Gina Eubank:

Gina Eubank is the founder of Living Nutrilicious, a company dedicated to helping those who are seeking a better way to live healthy lives. With two decades of experience as “America’s Favorite Pharmacist,” Gina is a graduate of the University of Texas School of Pharmacy and has been featured on CBS’s Great Day Houston morning talk show.

For More Information:
Gina Eubank
Living Nutrilicious
4582 Kingwood Dr Suite 196
Kingwood, TX 77345
(832) 233-4218
[email protected]
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Issued By Gina Eubank
Country United States
Categories Health
Tags gina eubank
Last Updated January 17, 2015