There are actually so many situations in which you could consider applying for a 601a waiver. Either way, before you do anything that you might regret, it would be recommended that you talk with an Attorney experienced in hardship waivers which can point you in the right direction or even handle the entire process for you, so you are more likely to get the outcome you are expecting.
One of the most essential facts that you need to keep in mind when dealing with immigration is that things can go one way or the other, even if you are doing everything right from the start. However, the chances of being granted the possibility of staying in the country with your family before you actually need to pass your visa interview are higher when you rely on the professional assistance of an attorney.
Better yet, you should consider relying on an Attorney experienced in hardship waivers that understands all the subtleties associated with each case and procedure. Truth being told, you need the help of someone that knows exactly what to do, what kind of paperwork is required, how it needs to be filled out and so on. Due to the fact that even a small mistake can threaten getting your 601a waiver, you should not risk it by trying to handle the situation yourself or with the help of someone that has been through this process before, but is not an actual lawyer. To be able to have your request approved, you need an actual lawyer to work for you.
This is not the time to think about how you can cut corners or save up money. If you do this, you will end up right where you started or worse. It would be a shame to have to go back to your country and wait there for a long time before you can be interviewed for your visa. Just try to imagine needing to be away from your family for so long. There is no real reason as to why you should risk any of this. This entire process would be so much easier to handle if you were to hire a reputable attorney.
We are talking about a professional that has a lot of experience in these kinds of cases and has helped countless individuals get their waivers and stay with their families while waiting for the interview. This is the point where you must do your own research and only hire the best attorney in your area so that you can be rest assured that everything will turn out just fine. Allow the right professional to take care of everything from preparing the paperwork to ensuring that you are ready for the final interview before you get your visa and are reunited with your loved ones.
If you would like to apply for a 601a waiver ( or talk to a reliable Asylum lawyer (, you should consider clicking on the right link and visiting our website. This is where you will get all the guidance and legal assistance you require!