Drying clothes is a piece of cake today as there are many products which you can use for this house chore. You can, for instance, buy a ceiling clothes airer or a Hills clothesline; the airer makes used of the hot air trapped indoors to dry the clothes, while the clothesline can be installed both inside and outside. If you want quality products, you should do some research online. You can start with the models Hills produces.
Installing a ceiling clothes airer in your home is an excellent idea, particularly if you don’t have much space indoors. These airers are mounted on the ceiling, so they don’t really occupy space in your home. Moreover, their design is very attractive, so they will compliment your home décor. If you’re not convinced about this, you can simply look online for Hills products: you’ll find very elegant airers, as well as modern Hills clothesline models. The ceiling clothes airer is a perfect choice if you want to combine functionality and aesthetics. The ‘pulley airer’, as this product is also known on the market, offers an alternative solution to drying clothes using an electrical dryer. You should know that this appliance consumes a lot of power, which makes drying clothes an expensive business. The Hills clothesline or the airer, on the other hand, use the air trapped indoors to dry clothes, so these products are much more advantageous in terms of finance; you only need to make the initial investment and buy the equipment.
Another reason to buy a ceiling clothes airer or a Hills clothesline refers to environmental concerns. This traditional ‘technology’ is as green as it gets, so you’re also helping the environment by going for this option. The equipment doesn’t produce carbon emissions and it’s made with materials which can be recycled. The materials used for making a Hills clothesline or airer are: wood (for the laths), iron (for the end pieces) and highly resistant rope, which can be loaded to maximum weight without a problem. You can use a clothesline or airer for at least 5 years and it will still look excellent. Installing the equipment is easy and hassle free. Moreover, the products can be cleaned with ease and don’t need much maintenance, thus being perfect for people with busy lives.
Clearly, there are many advantages to using a pulley airer or a clothesline. First of all, the clothes are dried naturally and this means there are no costs associated with this process. Secondly, these products help you save space in your home. Thirdly, you can dry your clothes whenever you want, no matter how the weather is, since you can do this inside. An associated advantage is that you have more privacy when you dry clothes indoors. The technology is green, so you’ll have no trouble with carbon emissions and you won’t depend on electricity to dry your clothes. You should take a look online at the airers and clotheslines Hills produces.
The best way to dry clothes is by using a ceiling clothes airer http://www.ecowashinglines.co.uk/ceiling-mounted-clothes-airers or a Hills clothesline http://www.ecowashinglines.co.uk/brands/Hills.html . You can find various models online, at great prices.