If you are a working professional or spend your entire day doing household work, you stand a lot of time on your feet. Naturally your feet have to bear the weight of the body for a long duration of time. The stress increases when you carry heavy things or run and walk too much. Do you take proper care of your feet? If not, you may suffer from pain or other issues. Flat feet are a common problem and it happens to many people. The reasons behind flat feet are injury, diabetes, injury and aging. Some people do not have much problem due to flat feet but it can create a problem like alteration in the alignment of legs. Apart from this, you can face issues with your knees and ankles. You may not walk comfortably like before.
Well, the solution to the problem is orthotics. In simple words it is a custom made insole that will support your feet. Many people are afraid of surgery and if you are one among them, then this non surgical procedure will prove to be the best solution to your foot problem. Wearing it you can smoothly walk or run and there won’t be any discomfort. There are various types of orthotics for flat feet like arch supports, ankle braces, footpads, shoes inserts, etc. It will be hard for you to decide which one is the remedy to your problem. This is the time you need the guidance of an expert so look for a reputed podiatrist. When it is about prescription orthotics for flat feet, consult a podiatrist.
How can custom orthotics help you?
Custom orthotics are extremely helpful as they provide the exact support that allows your feet to walk properly. It will also prevent ankle or knee pain which is otherwise terrible. Once you start suffering from knee or ankle pain, it won’t give you relief soon. Furthermore, by using orthotics you can avoid surgery or postpone it for a problem that causes alignment issues. If you do not want to experience the pain and hazards of surgery, better do the treatment before it is too late. Regarding prescription orthotics for flat feet you need to see a podiatrist. They can suggest the best solution and how long you need to use it. If you purchase it on your own decision, it may not work for your feet so visit a podiatrist.
Hopefully you have understood how orthotics can help your flat feet and why to visit a podiatrist.