When back pain hit, getting through my everyday life was near impossible. This is not overdramatising it either. Excruciating pain was there when I went to bed, when I get out of bed in the morning and was there throughout my day, no wonder it affected my life. Take a moment to imagine having the worst pain of your life. Now imagine that same pain is happening while you are trying to give a golfing lesson. That is where Ben found himself time and time again.
For years Ben had been struggling with debilitating back pain. Over the years he saw various doctors and always ended up on pain medication, to make it possible to live his everyday life. Ben was always happy and loved being extremely active. Ben was an esteemed golf coach, was outgoing and energetic—too busy enjoying life to contend with back pain!
When Ben could no longer undertake his everyday activities and found that his mood was getting very low, he knew something had to change. He explained, “I’d been trying yet another pain medication and really wanted to get off the medication.” After meeting with multiple doctors, and not feeling like he was ever really heard and understood, he ended up in our Chiropractic Clinic. The collaborative aspect of Ben’s first appointment with the chiropractor really stood out to him. He remembered, “When I first came to him with my wife and explained the issues I was having, he listened to me and developed a plan.”
Ben Now
Moving forward, Ben had regular adjustments and is now in maintenance care. The results have been phenomenal. Ben is no longer on medication and the intensity of his back pain has diminished. He explained, “I no longer have back pain and again enjoying coaching golf. I am back to my happy self. Before chiropractic treatments, my back pain meant I was unable to function.” For a man with a busy life happy and active life this is a welcome change.
Ben found very valuable to his care the willingness to fit in unexpected appointments—because we know back pain (any pain in general) doesn’t follow a schedule. At the beginning of Ben’s care, Ben’s wife, Anna, had to drive him. The pain he was in was too intense for him to be able to drive himself to his appointments. It allowed Anna the opportunity to get a first-hand look at what the treatments were and to meet the chiropractor responsible for administering the treatments.
Ben recalls his first appointment:
The chiropractor welcomed my wife and I into the practise room and explained in detail what was going to happen in the appointment. Not only did the chiropractor go through in detail my past medical history but also carried out a thorough examination to get to the root of my problem. My wife was included within each aspect of the appointment. When we left, my wife said, “I feel like the chiropractor really wants to help you!” That was very different from the many different doctors I had seen regarding my back pain over the last several years.
We especially loved how Ben had integrated chiropractic adjustments with his overall wellness plan. He had a daily workout, making eating healthy a regular habit, and attended each of his weekly adjustments. He understood that his health couldn’t be isolated to just dealing with back pain, just exercise, or just a healthy diet. It is when chiropractic care is aligned with all other aspects of health that the most positive impact is felt.
Ben has since introduced his family and friends to chiropractic care and all of whom have embraced their new-found wellness.
Find a Chiropractor
Click on this < a href="https://www.google.com/search?q=chiropractor+near+me&rlz=1C1GCEU_enGB821GB821&oq=chiropractor+near+me&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.6571j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8">link here to find your nearest chiropractor. Don’t be shy in giving them a ring and finding out what they can offer at their clinic. Found < a href="https://www.clearlychiropractic.co.uk">this clinic here that looks great, many chiropractors and other practitioners and great reviews.
Another useful resource is to check out chiropractic blogs. You’ll find some amazing resource which will be able to help you. Here’s a < a href="http://www.backblog.co.uk">great blog site to get you startedon understanding how chiropractic can help you to leading a happy healthy life.