There is no need to mention that the spine is the most vital group of bones that are essential to live a normal and healthy life. Any damage or injury that may occur to it can have serious repercussions, like terrible back pain, which may extend from the neck, back, and legs, powerlessness and a tingling sensation both often pass off in the lower extremities, and sometime even cause death. One major health issue that this condition produce is spinal stenosis. Spinal Stenosis is a condition that usually old age people experienced. In this condition, the spinal canal becomes narrow and the cord & nerves get thin. This generates not only pain, but also numbness in legs, limbs and buttocks, and in some more severe cases loss of bladder and bowel control. In severe Spinal Stenosis cases, doctors suggest spinal stenosis surgery. However, to enable the physician to determine whether the surgery is needed or not a sufferer needs to share his/her complete medical history.
Without any preconception about the symptoms and the current medical condition, the sufferer should submit the information to medical practitioner. The surgeon will proceed with the medical tests and examinations then. The process is vital and enable the medical practitioner to make his/her right decision. The sufferer's movements are checked carefully. Any painful and uncommon symptoms when the patient overextends the spinal cord by bending backwards are also examined. The test is done essentially for the natural neurologic function like muscle strength & posture, reflexes and sensation. In the minimally invasive spine surgery, a bone scan test is also performed along with other needed medical tests.
As it is very complicated surgery, a highly qualified and experienced surgeon should be approached to perform the surgery. Total Spine & Brain Institute, PLLC is the highly regarded and reputed laser spine institute which has been providing excellent medical facilities to the patients at very reasonable fees. Here advanced technologies and innovative medical tools are used that let surgeons perform surgeries with smaller incisions, less operative bleeding, and less risk. To collect comprehensive details about the surgery, doctors, fees and other things, visit its website.
Contact Us:
Total Spine & Brain Institute
Main Office: 1110 Nikki View Drive
Brandon, FL 33511
Satellite Office: 4051 Upper Creek Drive, Suite 106
Sun City Center, FL 33573
Phone No: 813-444-5567
FAX: 813-444-5569