Jakarta, July 14th, 2021. For Immediate Release
Djemy Wagiu, Transafe’s Training & Operation Manager, is the latest resource person to be featured on article in Katigaku.
The article themed: “Covid19 pandemic, the economic impact and how training providers set to survive the challenge”. It was part of “2 years pandemic in Indonesia” event. Djemy was interviewed alongside two other top training provider owners in Indonesia. These providers rise among other even during pandemic in Indonesia.
The article written in Bahasa Indonesia. It started with how the pandemic hit the country’s economic and how it impacts the safety training business. It continues with what those training providers done to survive the initial business stress and how to prevail in the next future.
This article also promote that conduct safety training is necessary and can be done according to rules and regulations set by Indonesian government. Indonesian Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker) and Indonesia Profession Certification Body (BNSP) have their solutions to keep conducting safety training during pandemic with approved blended learning and long distance assessment.
Djemy Wagiu said that he is happy to take part of the interview. He hope that what he share can improve trust to training participant; Also,hopefully can be a lesson to other safety training providers In Indonesia.
The article can be read here:
About Transafe Indonesia
Transafe Indonesia is a leading Health Safety Environment and Quality (HSEQ) Training and Consulting service in Indonesia. Transafe Indonesia held official Authorized Occupational Health and Safety Service Company (PJK3) from the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower and Indonesian Professional Certification Authority (BNSP), it is also a Member of Safety Alliance. (http://www.TransafeIndonesia.id)
About Katigaku
Katigaku is a blog that is committed to contributing to stop cases of occupational accidents and diseases that occur in Indonesia through various kinds of knowledge in the field of Occupational Safety and Health. This blog is designed as a solution for OSH practitioners to find new knowledge, work and also contribute to OSH in Indonesia.
For more information, please contact Transafe Indonesia at:
PT. Transafe Dharma Persada (Transafe Indonesia)
Wisma Pede 3rd Floor Suite B304
Jl. MT Haryono Kav 17
P. +62 21 8311 903-907
F. +62 21 831 2847
[email protected]
URL: www.TransafeIndonesia.id