Sparta Bot is an assisting tool developed by Toolwagon for Sparta: War of Empires. It provides various automatic functions to help simplifying player’s gaming experience.More details in:
Some of the key features:
1. Auto Collect Resource
2. Auto Quests
3. Auto Academy Study
4. Auto Update Buildings
5. Auto Raid & Besiege
Guide for Using Sparta Bot:
1.Download Toolwagon.
2.Run the installation file of Toolwagon to install.
3.Launch Toolwagon on your computer.
4.Click Game Doctor to optimize game environment.
5.Click Bot List and launch Sparta Bot.
6.Open Sparta: War of Empires in the built-in browser.
7.Fill in your account infomation to enter the game.
8.Maximize the window of Toolwagon in order for the Bot to run properly.
9.Click Setting of the Bot to customize which functions you want to use & make sure to check the related box in the left side.
10.Press Start or F10 to activate the Bot & press F12 to deactivate the Bot.
Toolwagon is a game helper platform dedicated to provide assisting tools for web game players. More details in: