Valvesonly is a leading Strainer Manufacturer in USA. A Strainer is a fitting in the pipe in which the fluid passes through for purification, filtering and separation of solid and heavy matter in the pipeline. It does not allow large particles to enter the pipeline. They arrest materials such rust and weld metal in the pipeline thus protecting it from harmful substances. Using right strainers at right locations is a must to protect the system from harm.
• Y strainer
• T type or Basket type strainer
Y strainer:
In Y strainer, filter is connected to the main pipe at diagonal angle, giving the strainer the “y” shape. These strainers are commonly mostly used in steam, liquid or gas, but they can also be applied in vacuum or suction situation. They usually have lower dirt holding capacity when compared to the “T” type strainers. These strainers require frequent cleaning. It can be installed either in horizontal or vertical position.
T type or Basket Strainer:
The size of a T type strainer is larger than y type strainer. It can be installed only in horizontal pipelines. The dirt holding capacity in this strainer is greater than Y strainer. They are also available in Duplex style where it consists of two strainers and diverting valves. These strainers are suitable for robust chemical and abrasive applications.
Available materials: WCB, WC6, WCC, LCB, LCC,CF8, CF8M, cast iron, SS304, SS316
Class: 125 to 300
Nominal Pressure: PN6 to PN25
Size: ½”” to 32”
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